1. Licenses and Third-Party Content
1.1 We Let You Use Our Site and Services
Technically, we’re givingyou a ‘limited license’ to use the site to find Services. Here’s what thatmeans:
We’re happy for you toaccess our website and services (known as the Services). You’re free to havethis access (or limited license) if you follow these terms of use and all ourother Terms of Service as they apply to you.
We’ll do our best to makesure our services are safe and working as they should, but we can’t guaranteeyou’ll have access continuously and at all hours and days within the year. Infact, we might even stop providing certain features or the services completelyand don’t have to give notice if we do.
1.2 We Can Stop Letting You Use Our Services
We can take away your right to use our services at anytime.
If you violate our Terms of Use or other parts of ourTerms of Service, we can take away your access to Ex-Askisi. Officially, thisis called terminating your license, and if it happens, we will tell you and youmust stop using our services immediately.
1.3 We Keep the Rights to Our Intellectual Property
Using our services does not mean you can use any ofour trademarks or other intellectual property, like copyrights and patents. Wekeep all our rights to our intellectual property, even though we let you useour services.
1.4 You Can Use Ex-Askisi to Share Your Content withthe World
1.4.1 You’re Responsible for What You Post
You’re responsible for how you use our site andanything you post on it such as the personal information you post in theApplication or any reviews and or testimonials you may post of Trainers and orHealth Professionals. If someone makes a claim against us because of anythingyou put on the site, you agree to compensate us for our legal fees and expenses(the lawyers call this ‘indemnification’).
When you post content on(or through) our site or app or give us content for posting, you agree thatyou’re completely responsible for that content and we’re not. You also agree toonly post or give us content that:
- You have the right to post
- Is legal
- Doesn’t violate anyone’s rights, includingintellectual property rights and is not defamatory, false and or fraudulent.
You acknowledge and agreethat whoever or if you posts content is responsible for any harm caused toanyone by that content – not Ex-Askisi – and that you’ll compensate and defendus, our partners, employees, and representatives against any costs or legal orgovernment action we have because of your content.
1.4.2 Other People Have Some Rights to What You Post
By posting content on thesite, you give other people some rights to that content and;.
Whenever you post contenton our site, you give us a permanent right (called an ‘irrevocable andnon-exclusive worldwide license’) to use, edit, and share that content – acrossthe world and without paying royalties to you. If your name, voice, and imageappear in content you post, we also might use those on the site or in ourday-to-day business. For example, if you’re a user looking for trainers, wemight share your profile with trainers we think could be a good match.
You also give each userand site visitor the right to access and use your content through the site.They also have the right to use, copy, and share your content – if they do itthrough the site and follow both our Terms of Service and the law.
We might show ads nearyour content and information without compensating you. Depending on choices youmake in your profile, we might also include your name or photo when promotingone of our features or our events.
1.4.3 We’re Open to Your Ideas
We’d love to hear yourthoughts on improving Ex-Askisi. Here’s what happens when you share them.
You can send us commentsand suggestions about our services and ways to improve them or any ideas forevents that Ex-Askisi might offer. If you do, you’re agreeing your ideas arefree and unsolicited, and you don’t expect or ask anything in return, unlesswe’ve specifically asked you for your ideas and offered something in return (welike to keep our word).
You agree we’re free touse, change, and share the idea as we like without being obligated to give youany compensation. And if you do send us an idea, you also agree that thisdoesn’t affect our right to use similar or related ideas – including those wealready have or get from others.
1.5 Third Parties Post on Ex-Askisi Too
Anyone else who uses our site is responsible for whatthey post or link on Ex-Askisi.
We’re not responsible forthe accuracy or reliability of any content shared by other people on our site,unless they’re officially working for us when they share or post the content onany of our platforms or social media. Any content represents the views of theperson sharing it, not Ex-Askisi.
Our site might alsocontain links or other access to third-party websites and applicationsanywhere. These sites and applications are owned and run by other parties, notEx-Askisi. If we use a link or application that goes to a third-party website,it doesn’t mean that we endorse it, and you agree that you use it without ourendorsement.
You can only use ourservices to find Trainers or Health Professionals and to learn from theinformation we share.
Our site and serviceswere made to be used for finding Professional Trainers and HealthProfessionals, not for personal or consumer use. We run our marketplace to helpusers find each other, build working relationships, and make and receivepayments for those services only.
You can also use some ofour services to get information we think might be interesting and useful forour site visitors and users – like our Ex-Askisi blog. While we do our best tomake sure that this information is timely and accurate, there might sometimesbe mistakes or someone may post inaccurate or false information. We don’t makeany guarantees about information posted on our site, so never use it as healthand/or exercise advice. And you should always double-check the information foryourself.
Certain uses of the site are not allowed. Here we gointo much more depth about those things, including:
- Posting unacceptable content (3.1)
- Treating others unfairly (3.2)
- Abusing our feedback system (3.3)
- Other uses that aren’t allowed (3.4)
In short, you’re not allowed to use our services to do(or encourage others to do) anything that is illegal, fraudulent, or harmful.If you don’t see something on one of the lists below, you shouldn’t assume it’sallowed. When in doubt, contact us to check on this email: info@exaskisi.com
3.1 Posting Unacceptable Content
You can’t offer, share, support, or try to findanything that might be:
- Isillegal or defamatory
- Isviolent, discriminatory, or harassing, either generally or towards a specificperson or group (or encourages others to be), including anyone who is part of alegally protected group
- Issexually explicit or related to sex work or escort services
- Isin any way related to child exploitation
- Wouldinfringe on any intellectual property rights, including copyrights
- Wouldviolate our Terms of Service, another website’s terms of service, or anysimilar contract
- Involvespurchasing or requesting or offering a fake review or is connected in any wayto making or sharing misleading content (like ‘deep fakes’ or ‘fake news’)which is intended to deceive others.
3.2 Treating Others Unfairly
Everyone should betreated fairly and legally on Ex-Askisi.
You cannot use Ex-Askisito:
- Expressan unlawful preference in a job post or proposal.
- Unlawfullydiscriminate against someone.
- Inciteor encourage violence.
- Postpersonal identifying information or other sensitive, private data about anotherperson whatsoever.
- Makeor demand bribes or payments for anything other than the services beingprovided.
- Requestor demand free services – you cannot ask Trainers or Health Professionals toprovide services for little or no payment as part of a proposal bid orcompetition.
3.3 Abusing Our Feedback/Testimonials System
- Youmust use our feedback system honestly and fairly.
- Thatmeans you can’t:
- Withholdpayment or work until you’ve been given positive feedback
- Swappayment (or anything of value) for feedback, including with third parties
- Coerceanother user by threatening negative feedback
- Usethe system to share unrelated views (like about politics or religion)
3.4 Other Uses That Aren’t Allowed
Ex-Askisi relies ontechnology and trust – here’s how we maintain those things.
You cannot copy, share,or give away your account. You cannot have multiple accounts and you cannotsell, trade, or give your account to anyone else without our permission.
You cannot go around us.You cannot talk to another user or ask for or share a way to get in touch - ameans of direct contact - outside of Ex-Askisi before you’ve agreed to aservice contract with that person.
You cannot promote otherorganizations – including advertising any other websites, products, orservices. You also cannot use our site to recruit trainers or clients to joinanother agency, website, or company unless you pay us a fee to do so.
You cannot interfere withour technology or tamper with our site or services. That means you cannot:
- Bypass any security features we’ve put inplace to restrict how you use the site – you’re not allowed to try and getaround restrictions on copying content.
- Interfere with or compromise our systems,server security, or transmissions.
- Use a robot, spider, scraper, or similarmechanisms on our site without written permission from us
- Copy, distribute, or otherwise use anyinformation you found on Ex-Askisi, whether directly or through third parties (likesearch engines), without our consent (no scraping allowed).
- Collect or use identifiable information,including account names.
- Overwhelm the site with an unreasonable orlarge amount of information.
- Introduce any malware or any other code orviruses that could harm us, our customers, or our services.
- Access our services through any technologyother than our interface platform, site or app.
- Frame or link to the services without ourwritten permission.
- Use our services to build a similarservice, identify or poach our users, or publish any performance or benchmarkanalysis relating to the site.
- Reverse engineer, decipher, modify, ortake source code from our site that is not open source without our writtenpermission.
If you break any of these rules, we can suspend youraccount and stop you from using Ex-Askisi (4.1). If you see someone elsebreaking these rules, please let us know (4.2).
4.1 We Enforce These Rules
We have the right to investigate any potentialviolations of these terms of use and might decide to pause, change, or takeaway any content on our site when we do.
We can’t guarantee that we’ll act against everypotential violation, but just because we don’t act against one breach doesn’twaive our right to act against any future breaches, whether they’re related tothe first breach or not.
If we do suspect rule-breaking, we can stop you usingour site at any time. If we disable or close your account, you won’t be able touse any of our services, but these things will stay in place:
- Our rights to use and share yourfeedback/Testimonials
- Our users’ and visitors' rights to share yourcontent (1.4.2)
4.2 Tell Us If You See Someone Breaking These Rules
What to do if you become aware of a violation of ourTerms of Use.
If you believe anyone is breaking any of our terms ofuse, please let our customer service team know or report it.
If we follow up on the breach, you agree to help withour investigation and take reasonable steps to help us fix the problem.
User: Someone using our site to findtrainer or health professional services from another user.
Content: What users post to Ex-Askisi themselves, like comments, profiles,feedback, images, or other information. It includes anything posted by you evenif elements of the content were originally generated by generative AI or othertools or in response to questions posed to you by Ex-Askisi or other users orEx-Askisi.
Means of Direct Contact: Information that would let someone get in touch withyou directly (or find the information to do that) so you can bypass our site.For example, phone numbers, email and physical addresses, social mediaaccounts, and personal websites with contact information are means of directcontact.
Site Services: All services, applications, and products – apart fromtrainer or health professional services – that people can access throughEx-Askisi.